Thursday, 13 November 2008

Mirror's Edge Soundtrack Artwork

As some of you may know, there is a game coming out tomorrow (14/11) called 'Mirror's Edge', and people have been going stark raving made over the soundtrack for it.

I have managed to get hold of a copy of it, and have been looking for the CD Artwork for it and havn't been able to find it at all. So I decided to create my own!

So if you are like me and want all of your albums in iTunes to have their artwork with them then look no further.

I have worked up a few ideas, sticking to the design style that has already been set for the game.
Let me know what you think

Friday, 19 September 2008

The Worlds Greatest Use of Post-It Notes

This has got to be without a dbout the greatest use of Post-It notes ever! Think I may try something like this for some coursework at uni.

Thanks to LOVE CREATIVE for posting the video!

Friday, 14 March 2008

The Bourne Ultimatum Poster

I watched the Bourne Ultimatum on DVD, loved it, so thought i'd have a go at making a film promo poster for it, what do you think?

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Primark Advertising

This is a quick piece of work I did for my Salford University interview, I origionally applied for the Advertising Design course, but the day after the open day i recieved a letter saying that i'v been offered a place on the Design for Digial Media course, but anyway i'm gettin carried away. At the open day I was told it would be benificial, so this is what i came up with, i also did another two different variations that i'll put up later, thanks for any feedback!

Rickys Condom Trick

This is a video from my first year in Leeds, a guy that lived in halls with me, Ricky, could do this trick with a condom and his nose! Enjoy!